
beaqnstalkd has no configuration file and only a handful of command-line options.


  • -b <path>

    Use a binlog to keep jobs on persistent storage in directory <path>. Upon startup, beanstalkd will recover any binlog that is present in <path>, then, during normal operation, append new jobs and changes in state to the binlog.

  • -c

    Perform online, incremental compaction of binlog files. Negates -n. This is the default behavior.

    Do not use this option, except to negate -n. Both -c and -n will likely be removed in a future beanstalkd release.

  • -f <ms>

    Call fsync at most once every <ms> milliseconds. Larger values for <ms> reduce disk activity and improve speed at the cost of safety. A power failure could result in the loss of up to <ms> milliseconds of history.

    A <ms> value of 0 will cause beanstalkd to call fsync every time it writes to the binlog.

    This option has no effect without -b.

  • -F

    Never call fsync. Equivalent to -f with an infinite <ms> value.

    This is the default behavior.

    This option has no effect without -b.

  • -h

    Show a brief help message and exit.

  • -l <addr>

    Listen on address <addr> (default is

    Option -l has no effect if sd-daemon(5) socket activation is being used.

    See also Environment.

  • -n

    Turn off binlog compaction, negating -c.

    Do not use this option. Both -c and -n will likely be removed in a future beanstalkd release.

  • -p <port>

    Listen on TCP port <port>. Default is 11300.

    Option -p has no effect if sd-daemon socket activation is being used.

    See also Environment.

  • -s <bytes>

    The size in bytes of each binlog file.

    This option has no effect without -b.

  • -u <user>

    Become the user <user> and its primary group.

  • -V

    Increase verbosity. May be used more than once to produce more verbose output. The output format is subject to change.

  • -v

    Print the version string and exit.

  • -z <bytes>

    The maximum size in bytes of a job.



    These variables can be set by init. See sd_listen_fds for details.